
Actual Problems of
Economics and Law




Requirement of manuscript

The Editorial Board, Editorial Council and reviewers of the scientific journal “Aktualniye problem ekonomikiiprava” appeal to the authors to observe the following rules:

1.1. The article should be submitted electronically (on a disc or by e-mail) or in print in A4 format. The electronic  version is saved in Microsoft Word (2003, 2007) or RTF. Font TimesNewRoman – 14 pt. Line spacing–1.5. Indentation 1.25cm. Margins: bottom, top, left and right– 2 cm. Pages should be numbered continuously.

The main text should have justified alignment.

All words within a paragraph are divided by one space. Before a punctuation mark there should be no spacing, and after a punctuation mark – one spacing.

The following is NOT ALLOWED: two or morespaces; underlined words; script colors other than black; indentation by spaces; automatic numbering (of numbered and marked lists) in chapters and paragraphs. All lists should be hand-set.

Formulas should be typed in a formula processor Microsoft Equation.

Latin letters are typed italicized, Greek and Cyrillic – non-italicized. Numbers are not italicized.

1.2. Manuscripts should be carefully checked and edited by the authors. The material should be structured, clearly and logically stated.

1.3. The order and formatting standards of the article elements are stated below:

  • Initials and surname of the author(s) (medium type, all capital letters).
  • Scientific degree, scientific title (medium type, italics).
  • Place of work, city, country (italics).
  • Title of the article (medium type, all capital letters).
  • Summary (no more than 250 words). It should be structured and include: objective, methods of research, research results, scientific novelty and practical value (example of summary).
  • Key words (up to 10 words, ordinary script, typed in a line, divided by a semicolumn ";").
  • The text of the article should contain sections with headings: Introduction, Research results, Conclusions. The headings should be centered (font size 14, medium type). At the beginning of Introduction the author should briefly highlight the problem with references to the most significant publications, and formulate the need for research, indicating the article objective. Research results. The scientific article should reflect the research process / sequence of reasoning which led to theoretical conclusions. The scientific-practical article should contain the description of experiment stages, intermediate results and proving of the final conclusion in the form of a physical or statistical explanation. They should be presented as a logical sequence in the text, tables or figures. The text should not repeat the data of tables and figures, but their comparison should be made. Conclusion are the results of solving the problem formulated in the heading and objective of the article (example of structure).
  • Bibliography. Each source should be indented and have a number. All works are listed in the order of citation, and NOT alphabetically. The number of cited works should be more than 30 for original articles and 60 in reviews. References to non-reviewed sources are not recommended. In the text the references to sources are given as Arabic figures in square brackets (rules of regisrtation of bibliography, example).
  • When referring to (citing) the laws, decrees, dictionaries having no authors, etc., references are made at the bottom of the page where the citation is given.
  • If the bibliography contains references to the Internet sources, the date of the author’s addressing to the web-page should be indicated.
  • The material was submitted to the Editorial Board (the date is indicated by the Journal’s executive Secretary on the day of receiving the materials).
  • Information about the author(s): surname, name and patronymic in full (medium type), scientific degree, scientific title, position, place of work in full without abbreviations, in nominative case. From the new line: address and telephone number of the organization. E-mail.

1.4. The article should be signed by the authors.

Figures and tables

The text should contain reference to figures and tables. The tables should be placed in the text and have a title and number. The figures should be pasted only with text processors reliably compatible with Microsoft Word. The images should be of good quality. Scanned images are not allowed. All figures must be submitted as separate files indicating their numbers.
The article title, subtitles of all levels, headings of tables and figures must not contain hyphenation. Hyphenation is allowed in the article text only.
Tables and figures are numbered in the order of their mentioning in the text, each table and figure should have its own heading. The table heading is typed in bold, and centered. Before the heading the word “Table” with its number is typed, justified left (example).
The figures in the text, if they consist of several elements, should be grouped. Legends are typed in regular script; notes – in font size 12. The Editorial Board is not responsible for low quality of typography printing of the color images. The filling of figures (diagrams, etc.) must be made in black and white hatching, dots or other patterns.
The original images must be submitted as files of formats gif, jpg or eps, not larger than 2000 рх at the long side and not larger than 1000 рх at the short side. It is not allowed to insert larger images with their reducing with “Image size” command.
The legend and text inscriptions in figures and diagrams should be made in accordance with “Rules for authors” concerning the main text. The standard script Times New Roman should be used (not larger than 12 pt), superscripts and subscripts. Diagrams should not be pasted to the article from MS Excel and the like. The diagrams should be designed by the author in the graphic processor.
If the schemes and diagrams are made with MS Word, all elements should be grouped in formats gifjpg or eps. We recommend paying special attention to visibility of images to avoid information loss when printing. If the original materials are not visible enough, this can be corrected in graphic processor. Avoid a large number of colors (shades), as well as similar filling tones for close elements of the image.
The figure or table, which is the only one in the text, should have a heading only and should not be indicated as Fig.1 or Table 1.
If a table is larger than one page, it should be indicated in the following page as “Continuation of Table 1”.
Each figure or table should have a SOURCE of information (EXAMPLE: * Source: composed by the authors).


Only common abbreviations are allowed – names of measures, physical, chemical and mathematical values and terms, etc. All abbreviations must be decoded, except a small number of common ones. The names of organizations are given in full when first mentioned in the text, with abbreviated name in brackets; further the abbreviated name is given. Example: Kazan Innovative university named after V.G. Timiryasov (Kazan).


This section contains gratitude to persons, personnel of organizations and funds, who promoted the research and the article preparation, as well as sources of scientific research financing, if any.